Photo of the Day: Somehwere in Australia
This is from a 3-day bike tour in Australia with my dad and a friend of the family, around 2011. For me, there were two memorable moments. One was on the first day of the ride; we were riding along a bike trail (likely a rails-to-trails conversion), and there was a snake sunning itself on the side of the trail. I asked the friend of the family if the snake was poisonous, and his dead-pan response was “In Australia, even the sheep are poisonous.”
The other memorable moment was the next day, riding through a glade of eucalyptus trees, where we saw a koala bear on the ground. It’s very unusual to see one on the ground; and as soon as we got close to it, it ran up the nearest tree. I didn’t have my camera out until it was in the tree.

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